Thursday, September 30, 2010
O.M.G! My Blog has reached 50 followers!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Giveaway from Cupcake-Gal

Friday, September 24, 2010
I Don't Know that I'm Lovely xp

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Pink, Green, and Brown
Well, I hope that you enjoy my pics.. See ya! (:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sweet Friends~Happy!!

Monday, September 20, 2010
Thank You For Loving Me

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
Born to become best friends and lovers
I want to stay right here
In this moment with you
Over and over and over again"
~What If by Colbie Caillat
Do you believe in true love? Do you believe, that at the end, you will find someone who is your true love, half of your soul, your soulmate? Do you believe that he or she really exists?
Well, in my whole life that I’ve been through, I’ve never feel how much I can love a man. I don’t believe such a thing. I really want to believe, because actually (or maybe?) I’m a hopeless romantic, but, I always believe something that everybody called a true love just appears in romantic stories. Movies, songs, books. Maybe, that’s why I love them all. Probably because they gave me an imagination, a hope, a picture perfect of happy ending story. I like the sentence ‘and they live happily ever after.’ However, I believe that there’s no happily ever after thing. It’s just so good to be true. I really hope that I’ll have one, but in my experiences, over what I’ve saw in anyone’s life, it’s so hard to make me believe that there’s a true love and happily ever after. No judgement, if you have a happy life with your partner, I’m happy for you. Really! I wanna be like you too of course. I always sighing when I saw romance movies. I envy to them..xp
Suddenly I want to believe in true love after I saw Letters to Juliet. The theme song by Colbie Caillat, the film locations, the casts, those things make me getting carried away.. to the romance things. When my friend asked me the question: what do you pick, a true love, or one million dollars? I always said that I will take the money. I don’t believe in true love, and so whatever with it. Now, I think I regret it. There’s something that money can’t buy. A true love..
{By the way, I'm so glad that you all like my collages. Like I promised, I made another collage (:}
photo credits: s3rra, anythought, fuckyeahlove
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Collages Inspiration
I tried to make them with my personal style. What do you think, lovelies?
More collages are coming up soon! :D
Credits: bonniecakes, Gracefullady, hat-s3rra, meninasemcrise, s3rra, projectfun, divinelytragic, ms.dreamer, maryclaire roman
Friday, September 10, 2010
That's one secret I'll Never Tell
“Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite”
Hey guys! Have you watch Gossip Girl season 3? WOW, I just finally fisnished watching it, and I just wanna say..WOW. It gone more more more scandalous, right?? Well, if you let my babbling things going on, I’ll say that I’m so gratefull that I’m not even close to be one of Upper East Side's resident. And I’m so glad that I don’t have scandalous life like them. What I’m gonna do if I were Jenny, in this case? I won’t survive for sure. Everybody will just hate me and throw me like I’m a piece of nothing. And what if I were the Queen Bee? The it girl, Blair Waldorf. I can’t play a game..not even a little. I’m so lame at playing games. Especially if it related to human creature named BOYS. Sigh.. I’m giving up!
And, about changing partners, because all the characters here seem to have a lot of affairs with the same people I think I won’t date my friend’s ex.
But who knows? Lol.. But it’ll be so awkward if I do that. Awkward with my friend and also her ex.. I can't hide my own expression!!
Even if as I say this, I still want the Paris part. I don’t want to miss Paris for sure if I were Serena Van Der Woodsen or Blair Waldorf. And STILL, I love the Blair character, though. We both love Audrey Hepburn!((:
Well, girls, I’m so thrilled to watch the next scandalous lives next week. I think I want it to be JUST an entertaining story, not to be part of my own life. Then, what about you? Do you thrilled as much as I do? (:
You know you love me.. X.O.X.O..
Tag Tag Tag.. :D
This time, it came from Raeny Days & Nights. Thanks girl(:
So, here are the questions:
1. If you were to be the inventor of one of the greatest gadgets of today, which gadget would that be and why?
2. You have to choose, would you rather eat a cockroach or a worm?
3. What's your favorite cartoon as a child?
4. If you could have any animal trained as a pet, what animal would you want?
7. If you could have a celebrity best friend, who would it be?
8. Live for 80 years being single, or live for 30 years happily married to the one you love?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Julie & Julia
Julie and Julia live in two different places and times! Julia Child {Meryl Streep} was a good cook. She started to learn to cook at age 47 (If I'm not mistaken), then she and her fellas wrote a book called Mastering the Art of French Cooking which is become so famous. And at this time, Julie Powell {Amy Adams}, an ordinary married and working woman, want to start her own blog, because she felt a boredom with her present job. She's an amazing cook too. She adores Julia Child and she has her famous cookbook.
So, she challenge herself to try to make all the recipes in Julia's cookbook in one year. Then, she will post the recipes and how she cook them in her blog.
This story is based on two books and real stories too {Julia Child and Julie Powell are real people}. Maybe, if you haven't watched this movie, you should. I want to be a good cook too someday, because I wanna feed my husband and my children very well, so they could be the next Mr. Dursley and Dudley?!
P.S: Please doon't watch if you haven't eaten anything, because you'll feel hungry and drool during the movie! TRUST ME!xp
Up in the Air
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I've Been Tagged and I got 3 Awards too

Now, I have to choose bloggers to receive these 3 awards. And they are: