As I said before, I will make a giveaway for the celebration of reaching 50 followers. Yes, make. Just like I warned you before, this giveaway will be so much different than ANY OTHER giveaway ((: Sounds interesting? not? Don't be curious. I'm telling you.. NOW!
I made an award for the lucky winner. The award called "Fairytale Blog" I just wanna make it similar to my blog name. I really designed and created this myself (with adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator), so there will be NO one that has this kind of award.

I won't let you to have JUST an award, I'll make you (the winner) a personal blog button in my blog sidebar, so everyone who know me and see my blog, they can also know you too!(:

The blog button will be personally made by your request. You can ask me to use photographs, images you like, or illustration. I'll definitely design it, so everyone can see your blog, here.
PLUS, I will write a review about your lovely blog. I will try my hardest so I can write about the real you and your blog.
And... to enter and win the giveaway:
1. You don't have to be a follower of my blog (I just want to share my happiness)
2. Please tell me which post you like most in my blog (please write the title and the link) and as far as you've seen on my blog, what should I post in my future posts? What you want to look here?
3. Leave a comment and leave your email address, so I can contact the winner.
4. I will choose the winner by her/his creative answers.
Everyone can enter this giveaway for sure. I'll close this on October 22 (my brother's birthday^^)
So, please join this simple but unusual G.I.V.E.A.W.A.Y! Good luck!!;DD