Hi, guys! Maybe some of you have already know who I'm talking about, and some of you haven't.
I'll introduce you the lovable, the creative, the thoughtful blogger, Bibi from
Bibi Blog.
She has been so kind to me since I knew about her. (and of course kind to the other bloggers around there(◕‿-))
Why I dedicated this post to her?? (beside she's lovely
❤) It's because I got stylish blogger award andd.... A gift I have never had for the whole of my life! it's a drawing. Special drawing. The drawing is me. I love it very much that I can't sleep without see it first.
Thank you, Bibi. I don't know how many times I said this to you!xp
Ok, I shall begin to show you my award...((:
1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
Ok, let me start it, seven things about me:
1. I’m tired of telling my name to people because everytime I tell them my name is “Joan” they will ask twice or more, “Jon??” And I will continue to spell my name “J-O-A-N” Then, this is the part I hate most. “Oh, Jo-an?” They won’t say “Joan” but “Jo-an” that sounds like American say for Joanne. I hate it when people mispronounce my name. Even few of my friends still call me Jo-an. Please call my name correctly..
2. Recently, I’ve been playing, replaying and singing Taylor Swift’s Back to December all the time. It’s weird coz I’m not really a Swift person. But I like her songs these days xp
3. Until this time, I’ve dyed, straigtened and curled my hair permanently. I give time to my hair now because they falling so often):
4. I’d love to keep my curiosities about everything and find out by myself (ex. Movies, books, etc). So please, don’t give me any spoilers. I hate it when my friends talk about the end of movies that I'd die to watch. It makes me so.. AArrrghhh….
5. My fashion blogger muse: Alix from thecherryblossomgirl.com
6. Some people assume that I’m a high school girl..=,= Well, don’t get me wrong, I love if people think that I’m younger than I look, but I want people see me as a grown up and mature person too. Maybe I’m still childish at my age. Should be more mature!
7. When I tweeted a compliment about his other site,
Perez Hilton replied me thank you. Hahaha.. You’ll think that I’m stupid enoguh but this small thing really made happy at that time and I even captured it xP

Lucky bloggers I'll pass the award:
*Just like you know, I love to change the rule xp
Anddd... (*drum roll) the most special thing in this post. Me as a drawing pic.. taddaaaa....

I had never received this kind of thing. So, I'm so so so happy (: