ast Saturday (11.03.19), I went to a concert supported by Blackberry: Live & Rockin’ Concert with 2PM, Shontelle, Taio Cruz and Suede. I didn’t get too much excited for those US singers, but I’m soooo into 2PM. Well, yeah, I like Shontelle and Taio. Especially Taio because I love songs that makes me wanna shake my booty. And, I’m not a Hottest (2PM’s fan). I just know few of their songs, two of their members, but it won’t stop me to got so excited.
It’s very rare to see Korean stars here. It started lately, I think. This is my third times. First when I was in my early college (meet and greet with Lee Dong Wook), second when I did my thesis (Wonder Girls’ Showcase), and the third (2PM). This is also my first chance to see US singers. I’ve always skipped many US bands and singers who came here to a concert. My parents won’t allow me to spend too much money to buy concert ticket. So, how come they allowed me to attend this one? It’s because I got the ticket as a giveaway xp
Actually, if you want to get the invitation and got a place in VIP, you have to trade in your Blackberry. Seems one of the most expensive ticket in the world, aye? hehe.. (Cell phone in Indonesia is pretty expensive. The cheapest new Blackberry could cost about $400)
(Just so you know, after Wonder Girls and before 2PM, another Korean stars who came here was the Kpop boy band, SHINee~But I didn’t come)
So, here’s my journey to get a good place in the concert~~~
Early morning at 05:30 am I woke up then rushed my way to my friend’s. The gate will be open at 17.00 pm, but I had to redeem my invitation ticket into the real ticket at 13.00 pm. When I got there at 08:45 am, she was still sleeping (aarggghh.. we planned to go at 11.00 pm). After we were fully prepared, we wait for the cab. We called for it, but after one hour later, the cab still hadn’t show up! I was so pisseddd.. For short, we got another cab. We arrived to the venue at 13:20 pm. The queue had already looked like a long long snake. It was one hot day. Super hot and crowded. But still, a glimpse of 2PM faces, that in just few hours I could meet them in blood and flesh made me fully recharged.
So here was I in the ticket redeem queue queue. Killed the time by chit chat and took some pics with my friend (Psst.. I went with 2 of my friends, my another friend was waiting in the ‘real’ gate queue queue as I waited to redeemed the ticket. This brought so much advantage because I didn’t think that other people thought the way we thought xp). After the long wait we got the real ticket. How happy I was, and got rush to my friend who would have unconscious if we came a bit longer because the weather was really hot and the sun was right above our heads.

Oh, I have to tell you too that watching concert means you have stand in a line, even if you want to pee pee or poo poo. Well, maybe I cheated when I went in to male’s toilet xp

O yeah, it was 04:00 pm. Everybody stand up immediately (We sit while waited the open gate). I worried again about I will be caught because I brought my DSLR. Remembered my experience at Wonder Girls Showcase, now I hide my DSLR in my black big bag. But I was afraid that they would frisk my bag. So my friends and I made some plans. It was 05:00pm. They haven’t open the gate yet. It was soooo frustrating because I stand like I was glued with person in my back and front. So damn hot and exhausted.
Finally Finally, they opened the gate. The man was checking my bag, but only glance inside the bag. My DSLR passed! I run like crazy, one of my shoe almost got loose. Well, if you think that I run right to the stage, you’re wrong. There’s another gate, and we waited outside again. In our right side, I saw Channel V’s crews and VJ. I only recognized Lisa S. Can you tell me who’s the other one? She was so nice. When I asked her to take picture together, first she said to me that she liked my glasses(:

I didn’t know what time it was but FINALLY we got in to the real way to the stage. Blackberry kept replay their advertisement on the two big screens till we dropped dead bored. Tik tok tik tok.. Someone almost fainted in the middle of our waiting. Two people had a quarrel. My friends and I were got pushed from everywhere. When the situation was finally calming, the 2 MCs came. They were Fahrani and VJ DANIEL!! Awww>< (Maybe some of you’ve already knew that I have a celebrity crush on him).

Fahrani & Daniel
They said something for intro, I ignored what they were saying and prepared to get bored, but then they disappeared, and here were they, 2PM! For a second I was just stand there, felt cheated and unprepared while the crowds started to making noise and I got pushed again. I tried to look 2PM behind hottest’s hands and their gadget. I really couldn’t remember about what 2PM did on stage. I just remember that I got pushed from my left side so often, my brain just said that I couldn’t fall and ended up being stepped on by the crowds.

Junsu, Taecyeon, Nichkhun

Chansung, Junsu, Nichkhun, Junho, Taec

The blond one is Wooyoung


2PM sang 4 songs: I’ll Be Back, Heartbeat, a little chit chat (Nichkhun even said that we couldn’t push each other!), I Hate You, introduction, 10 Points out of 10 (Taec moved like he wanted to take of his shirt. Aww..) And that’s it! That’s it. They said ‘See You’ and I couldn’t believe it..)):

Junsu wiped Nichkhun's sweat
Well, next we still had Shontelle, Taio Cruz and Suede. But almost 50% of the crowds were leaving the venue. Yes, the reason they were coming was just about 2PM. LOL. I still wanted to see Shontelle and Taio, so I stayed till Taio hit the dance floor (Shontelle was so sweet, beautiful and has amazing voice. One of the fans give her love symbol with her hands, and Shontelle did the same thing to us!)

But so sad, I was so exhausted at that time, after Taio's few songs (I was so high on Break Your Heart and Higher) I gave up because there was still no clue that he would sing Dynamite. I don’t care about Suede, because I don’t know them.
Look at thisss!! Awww.. two handsome guysO(>.<)O
All photos were edited by moi