Back when I was in uni, I had my photography assignments to photographs what they called human interest. We had to take pics about people who live in poverty. So I went to railway area with few of my friends. There were lots of kids live in here. They played along the railway and did most activities here too. Old and young, all gathered in this area.

To look at them make me remember not to always look above. I had the unhealthy behaviour called envious. I make it to normal portion now. hahaha.. Sure, I wish I had lots of money, live in a mansion with the king size bed plus its canopy, had my personal stylist and walking closet and etc etc etc.. But then when I meet simple life society, I think that I should be greatful in my place now. At least I have a place to stay, have enough food to eat everyday and so many little things that sometimes I forget but I really thank to God because he gives these to me.
Oh, hey! I also received lovely blog award from Suki Pooki. She has beautiful and sweet blog. you have to check out her
here. Thanks so much tea girl! (She likes a cup of tea by the way xp)
Well, the award always came along with the rules:
1.) Link back to the person who passed you the award
2.) Share 7 random things about yourself
3.) Award 15 blogs
4.) Drop them a note and tell them about it
But in case you get bored about 7 things of me, then I should write down about 7 blogs of you that I love(:
She's my 'first' blogger friend I think. She always kindly replies the comment she receives. It makes me know her better and quickly be friend with her. Bibi's Blog contain her daily life, a bit like mine but sometimes she adds cute drawing to visualize what she talks about. She's totally friendly, you wont regret to know her(;
Amber! She's a fashionable girl. Nuff said! She posts about her daily life+her outfit photographs by her husband. I like her style. Sweet look like cardigans, natural color tights, wooden bag, mary jane shoes kinda things. She also has a beautiful little dog!!
She's a beauty products goddess. I love her reviews and all of her beauty products and her make up. To look her blog makes me want to add my beauty collection. Really! But what makes me close to her is because we both love Korea, Kpop, Kdramas. hohooo.. So, if you love makeups, Kpop, head to her blog, right now!
When the first time I dropped by to her blog, I think the girl appearance is really lovable and sweet because her blog layout and her post make me assume this. lol. Then, my assumption indeed true. She's sweet and her post always reminds me of sweet things.
I found the blog about a week ago, and I really really really adore her photography talents. Her pics are all breathtaking. I love the cropping, the sharpness, the color. Everything is just puuurrfeect. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!
This physics student really know how to play with fashion. Her knowledge about fashion is no need to be doubt. Her reviews about fashion are sometimes like pop up from the magazine. Not only that, she's so kind and caring too(:
I don't know, but I always enjoy to look her post and pics. She usually buy some unique snacks I never knew xp I like her blog layout personalized and design by her too. She's totally creative. I got some music reference from the blog, because she mostly insert the a song title under her post. Awesome!
Now.. I'll pass the award to: