Saturday, August 28, 2010

In the World with Lights and Shadows

In the beginning there was nothing. God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better. ~Ellen DeGeneres

Light.. What's so important about it into our lives? The world seems so alive with it, and seems so dead without it.
Well, I just want to show you about a little lighting and edit in photographs. I didn't use additional lighting equipments, so the pictures had a lot of noises.
Anyone knows how to reduce noise?


  1. Cute pictures, I've got some lovely china dolls too that you've just reminded me about.

  2. lovely dolls

  3. these pics are taken from the perfect angle. i'm not a photographer but i think they're cool

  4. you have amazing photography skills. i could see the difference each photo

  5. Interesting post - light is definitely important. There's something so optomistic and promising about it. Plus without like, it'd be dark. And that would, you know, not be all that awesome.

    AMAZING PHOTOS! I love the one of the doll, especially! Which is actually saying a lot as I find dolls rather creepy haha.

  6. i want the teen vogue hand book, too!

  7. You could always tinker with the settings of your cam. to reduce the noise...what camera do you use? :)

    Either way, cute photos! Except the doll...sorry, I'm not really into dolls. I'm actually scared of them, especially porcelain ones. O_O I'm a huge fraidy-cat!

  8. Light is uplifting :)

    It's hard to get good lighting for photos. That's something I really struggle with!

  9. Just came across your blog and its lovely. Very nice photos. I think I will be your new follower. It would be nice if you stop by my blog sometime :)

  10. wow, i really love your blog,i love the good-feeling that it has, is that your room? thats lovely! well i would not suggest you to visit my blog, since my blog is a complete opposite of yours, im so complex and gory, but after seeing your blog, i feel like i've found a sensitive side of me, hahaha keep blogging :D


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