Hi folkss!!!! Here I am again. Do you miss me? hehehe..xp
Like I promised before, the winner of my unusual giveaway will be received fairytale blog award, her blog button to put in my blog, and her blog review. So here are they..
For everyone who don’t know who my winner is, let me introduce you to one of great fashion blogger based in Indonesia. Her popular name in blog is Queen Desi. Few of you might know who she is. She has a fashion blog named The Secret Life of “D” (and she loves Lady Gaga!!)
the award
the blog button
Speaking of her blog, The Secret Life of “D” it’s about fashion, her OOTD, her favorite runways, TV series, music, model, all the things that you want to know in entertainment industry. Of course she blogs all about these! The girl who loves autumn and winter has always hope that someday she will sit at front row in the Fashion Week Show and works in fashion magazine. She must be absolutely adore magazine, because she has toooonnnsss of fashion magazine in her boarding house and her hobby is to makes collages from its pages.
To know much much more about her, I had an interview with her. So, this is our Q and A session. I hope you enjoy it!((:
1. Can you tell me what’s your signature style?
Well, i don't have any signature style. Basicly i'm such a chanel girl, i always like
to play with a simple outfit and still look chic. sometime when i was in the mood i like to try different style that i think it was not so me, but after i try the result was so amazing.
This is why i like fashion, too much inspirational style that i have to explore
2. I saw that you love Lady Gaga. A lot!! Do you want to be free to express fashion like Gaga? And what have you done to be free for your own fashion style?
I really love Lady Gaga, she's one of my fashion icon. FYI, i always love to try many new things
and so do with Lady Gaga. Just take a look to her fashion. she always change everytime, not wannabe a follower but a trendsetter. She always put fashion in every video that she has made. She's a perfectionist one and i always wonder what the new fashion issue from her (Just a super icon can make a big curiosity like this). I like to express any of my fashion idea, but to be extreme like Lady gaga i really need a huge of self-confident and i still working with it. About what have i done to be free for my own fashion style, i never afraid to play with colors and patern (this is so different
with my statement "i'm such a chanel girl") but this is fashion world, we can express so many thing here. My style really different with the other people around me. My friend always said "what the hell are you wearing?"
but in the end they can respect my fashion taste, and said "Yeah, your style is cool". sometime they take some advice from me. Have i told you that i really love to explore make-up stuff too?? i should do my make-up tutorial project, haha :)
3. What position do you want if you are accepted to work in fashion magazine?
This is a tricky question for me :) i took Physics as my major in college. i mean, i can't see the equation between physics and fashion magazine. but to be honest, work in Fashion Magazine is one of my bigest passion since i bought my first magazine when i was 12 years old.
* i like to try as a fashion stylist to realize my fashion idea. In the other side
* i like to write "new fashion issue article" too, so i really like to take a part as an Editor. Who knows maybe i can be a fashion director or editor in chief one day??
She wears red a lots!!
4. If Indonesia, your country has 4 seasons or you ended up live in foreign country that has 4 different seasons, what kinda clothes you would wear? The 3 ‘IT ‘fashion items you’ve never wore in your tropical country?
OMG!! i always wish that Indonesia have this F/W season. the clothes really beautiful in this season.
3 item that i would like to wear (sadly i have to think twice to wear it here in Indonesia) :
* Long Coat
* Long Boots
* Gloves (so classic!! just a bride wear this item here!!)
5. Who’s your most favorite designer, and why?
Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel. the reason, because he can produce a chic-classy collections with a simple cutting (really me), and the oposite from Mr.Lagerfeld is Alexander McQueen, because he's so briliant, his design so futuristic and really undefinable (i will always love him). Marc Jacobs took my attention too lately!! i really enjoy his collection in Louis Vuitton, Marc by Marc Jacobs and "the great" Marc Jacobs in this S/S 2010-2011. Perfecto!!
6. Last but not least, why did you start your own blog? Was it because of June Paski? (Dreamy Princess' note: June Paski is a fashion blogger from Indonesia)
I made my blogs account in the middle of 2009/ i wrote one article about my friend's birthday, after that i never take care of my blog untill i read this article about June Paski in one of local magazine. i searched and as you know the rest of the story..I found this "fashion treasure" and it made me decided to start all over again!! and this time my blog is about fashion. so all i can say is tks to June Paski and this magazine :))
I think that's all, once again I'm really happy to take a part in this giveaways :)) tks a lotta babe..
Thanks to all who has participated in my unusual giveaway, and thanks to Queen Desi for taken the time to be interviewed(:
P.S: Look Look at my sidebar!!xD
Congratz to the winner! And she chose great questions to ask!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations with the winner!!
ReplyDeleteBaby, tks u sooooo much.. this is my first and will be my favorita ever and after giveaway!! haha i don't know how many time i said tks, no matter in twiter, email, or here. i really appreciate what you have done and i think it's really great, perfect, excelent, i don't know what words can describe about my feeling. i like the way you write this post. if u ask me again about "what post do you like more?" i will be choose this one! *kidding* once again tks so much to let me be the winner!! J'adore it, u did such a great job here, talented yet!
in Love&Light
congrats to her :)
ReplyDeletecongrats to the winner and nice interview you did with her!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to the winner great post !!!
ReplyDeleteAgain: Congrats to the winner!! OMG you put so much work in it!!! ^.^
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome ^.^
ReplyDeleteAn OOTD! Figured it's been a while since I've posted one...
Haha, mysterious aura >v< Guess the lighting was just right? Lucky shot...
And Belgian roofs!! You like 'em? Not that exotic, and it's even raining, but well, that's Belgium in one picture I guess :P
My internship is over, yes, I kind of miss being busy the whole day. School's so different from working, I never really realised that.
Thank you for the music suggestions! Wow top 9 ^.^ Great, I'll def listen to all of them ^.^
congrats to the winner!! ^-^
hay joan! nice blog you have here :) please check out mine :D
True, living in Indonesia you'll have to sacrifice A LOT in F/W fashion season. bye bye knee high boots.
ReplyDeletelove your blog!! :) im a new follower!!
ReplyDeleteLook mine and if u like it, follow me!!
Love it, talking an engineer obsessed with fashion :D