This is a restaurant for the real vegetarian. All the food here are made by mushrooms.. So, if you are a vege, no need to worry that you just killed an animal to eat meat. Because all meats on the menu are fake.
Let's see how they grow the mushrooms in the back of the resto..
Eeuuuu...This one looks like a tumor..>.<
Beautiful, just like coral sea...<3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 290px; height: 400px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5380618011267297106" border="0">
Ooh.. Ok, I'm sorry, I couldn't give you a proper smile. I got a sprue on my mouth..
My cousins from Jakarta have never been to Kraton Yogyakarta, so me, my aunt and my friends accompanied them there, because I've been there once.
That time I felt excited because I thought that I could took many beautiful photographs there. And the results are...voila! Great great spot to take pictures!
Antique Plates
Old clocks
My lovely Cousins. They're look so cute together (probably silly:D)
Modern vs Traditional (do you notice that one of them was calling with cell phone?)
Isn't she beautiful?=p
Here are few of my Nails Painting. I got my cousins to become the lab rats=p
The Symbol of Kraton Yogyakarta
These are batik motive. Batik is trully belongs to Indonesia
A little Soldier
the sun beam seems to pierce the tress
This called aksara Jawa, like words or kanji, but in Javanese
Take pictures anywhere and anytime
This is Yogyakarta's present Sultan, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X
My friend, Jessica at the front side area of the Kraton