Thursday, December 2, 2010

Louise Ebel~ Ms Pandora Illustration

J'e l'adore. J'aime son style. Elle est Louise Ebel de Miss Pandora.

(Bibi, did I make a right French?)
As you might know her amazing blog, I want to remind you again about her 'theme' photoshoot. I love to look around her blog because she not only make fashion photoshoots, but she also put theme in those. That's amaze me more. So, I try to make her an illustration based on one of her shot. Hahahaa.. I know,, It's so lame. It doesn't resemble her at all. I really need to practice more. Illustrate a realistic human is my weakness.
Oh, have I mentioned that she also a nice person too? O yeah, she's sooo nice. I hope she would like my illustration!\(©¿©)/

(using pencil color and Watercolor)

Photo by Pauline Darley

Before the scanning


  1. Tres bien mon ami! Your French from what I can tell- c'est parfait ;) How I wish I wouldn't lose my French- gone are the days I could strike up a conversation with a stranger on the bus while on my way home from school in Marseilles!

  2. (Je l'adore ^^) But furthermore: parfait ma chérie! Et j'aime tes dessins, t'es si créative!! I wish I knew how to draw hair like that... T_T

    reply to you: I don't mind long comments! Not at all ^^
    The weather's even colder right now (it's -7°C) and it's snowing a little bit... Don't worry, as far as I know, I've never had the flu (I don't get ill easily) and I take good care of myself ^^
    Of course I like your drawing that much! It's really special to receive something from you!! I hope we can stay friends too ^^ Someday I come visit you in Indonesia and then we can hang out together (or maybe in Paris?)

    Taylor Lautner, is that his name? His body is amazing! I was watching the movie and suddenly he took his shirt of and i was like :O OMG... But he's super young!! I think it's not even legal to even think about him >< :P

  3. miss princess you did a brilliant job. Its a million times better than what I could ever do.

  4. OMG that's lovely - when I saw your picture I knew exactly knew who it was. I totally agree she has the best fashion sense obviously it's from having such a influential mother and where she lives, right?

  5. WOAAAH GURRRRL. This is fantastic. You totally capture the whimsical essence of the photo/ her style. AMAZINGGGG. Especially the hair. WOWZA, 'tis so shimmery and oh la la.

    P.S. If you ever get, you know, bored... I happen to know a blogger who wouldn't mind being drawn. (ie me. hehehehe. but really.)

  6. i love your drawing and watercolor skills! not many people are able to this you know. this art is forgotten :(

    hows jakarta? is it a big city? i always see quite a few bloggers from there or indonesia

  7. These pictures are absolutely stunning. ♥

  8. Cool post, wish i could draw like you do !


  9. wow! that's some amazing talent you go there!!! your illustration is beautiful!

    haha we only go one day of snow here but one day is more than enough for me! It gets really gross when it starts melting and all, or when it turns into ice and you can't drive and are stranded at home!

  10. wow you´re so talented in drawing ^^
    thank you for your lovely comment <3

  11. You are soooooooo good! Wow. I am very impressed. You are just very very very full of talent, aren't you?

    This inspires me to get back to drawing! I used to sketch people a lot!


  12. i think the eyes look a little wonky lol but so nice! i use to like drawing but i was never really good at all *sniff*

    thank you for your nice comment :)!

  13. THanks!

    I must say though, it's not lolita. Not at all! It's only gothic/punk/alternative etc..

    Yeah... One time they wrote down "pvc dress" on a package.. O_o I can only imagine what the postman would think! I think I don't wanna know! D:

  14. Your painting is beautiful and shows how talented you are, esp. on human pose. I love to paint as well though human never fascinate me as much as flowers and insects. You hardly find human in my photographs as well. I post my orchid and butterfly paintings on Nomads Arts Gallery.

  15. woah you're one talented artist !
    dont hink i could draw as good as you do !
    you should email that drawing to louise :)
    maybe it'll get published :)

    glisters and blisters

    You're sooo talented!


  17. So cool! I completely love it :)


  18. oh wow you did a fab job! you are truly talented, I can never do that in a million years

  19. I found the face a bit strange, chin is too forward, the other eye is too high, nose and lips are too close to the cheek. Also the upper finger is wrong and lose one of its switch. I advise you to measure first the distances in the face and hand.

    1. Hey anonymous, thank you for your comment. I also found the face very weird :p
      I definitely need more practice.


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